Business Consultancy

Offering business consulting in internal program reviews (think Reporting) and increasing revenues/decreasing expenses (i.e. Budgeting).  A set of recommendations may also be made in terms of improving entity Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing and Coordinating (see specifics below).


Prospective customers may phone +1 775-220-3174 or email  

The consulting rate is USD $80/hr., but the final price will depend upon an assessment of the customer's needs. 

Program Reviews

Internal program reviews and business analysis, namely the documentation and reporting of internal processes.


Identifying inter-organizational interfaces considering collaboration, coordination and control.


Performance auditing for efficiency and effectiveness by increasing revenues and/or decreasing expenses.

Business consulting specifics via POSDCoRB:

Business services, i.e., formulating strategic goods or services into plans.  Additional services to organize for increased efficiency and effectiveness.  Business advisory and consultancy services relating to staffing positions.  Business services, namely, providing direction based on established rules or policies.  Business advisory and consultancy services relating to controlling and coordinating staff.  Business services, i.e., internal program reviews, the establishment of interfaces and periodic reporting.  Consulting services in budgeting for short-, medium- and long-term organizational goals.